Toul Sleng Museum

(Toul Sleng Museum; Map p43; St 113; admission US$2, video US$5; 7am-6am) In 1975, Toul Svay Prey High School was taken over by Pol Pot's security forces and turned into a prison known as Security Prison 21 (S-21). This soon became the largest centre og detention and torture in the country. Between 1975 and 1978 more than 17,000 people held at S-21 were taken to the killing fields of Choeung Ek.
     S-21 has been turned into the Toul Sleng Museum, which serves as a testament to the
crimes of the khmer Rouge.
     Like the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge leaders were meticulous in keeping records of their barbarism. Each prisoner who passed through S-21 was photographed, sometimes before and  after torture. The museum displays include room after room of harrowing back-and-white photographs; virtually all of the men, women and children pictured were later killed. You can tell which year a pictured was taken by the prisoner's chest. Several foreigners from Australia. New Zealand and the USA were also help at S-21 before being murdered. It is  worth paying US$2 to have a guide show you around, as they can tell you the stories behind some of the people in the photographs.

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Article LonelyPlanet
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Youtube Video Toul Sleng Museum
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