Prasat Phnom Krom 9-10th century

The temple of Phnom Krom, 12Km south of Siem Rep on a hill overlooking Tonle Sap Lak, Date 9th early 10th century. The name means 'Lower Hill' and is a reference to its geographic location in relation to its sister temples of phnom Bakheng and Phnom Bok, The three towers, dedicated ( from north to south) to Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma, are in a ruined state, put Phnom Krom remains one of the more tranquil spots from which to view the sunset, complete with an active wat. The fast boats from Phnom Penh dock near here, but it is
not possible to see the temple from beneath the hill.

If coming here by moto or car, try to get the driver to take you to summit, as it is a long, long, hot climp otherwise.
It is now necessary to have an Angkor pass to visit  the themple at the summit of Phnom krom, so don't come all the way out here without one as the guards won't allow you access to the summit of the hill.

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